About us
Our people provide objective insight so that central government can achieve better outcomes and value for money for the public.
Our role
The Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA) is an executive agency of His Majesty’s Treasury (HM Treasury). We established our organisation in April 2015 to improve the quality of internal audit provided to central government.
Working across government, our unparalleled access, our expertise and the relationships we build lead to better insights and better outcomes for our customers, and for their customers, and for the UK public. As the government’s primary provider of internal audit services, we lead both the government internal audit profession and internal audit function.
We provide internal audit services and support for the UK government. Our customers include all ministerial departments and many non-ministerial departments, agencies and public bodies.
The latest list of our Internal Audit customers can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/giaa-customer-list.
Our auditors provide central government with objective, independent insight and assurance enabling its organisations to achieve better outcomes with public money. Through rigorous evaluation and assessment, we help to develop better governance, risk management and internal controls.
We also have an award-winning counter fraud and investigation service, and support finance professionals across government in their role as stewards of public money.
Both our internal audit and counter fraud roles relate to activities requested by, and agreed with, our customer organisations.
Read more about our work in our Annual Reports here:https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/giaa-annual-report-and-accounts.
Our mission and vision
We developed the GIAA Vision with the input of our customers and our people.
Our mission – to provide objective insight so that central government can achieve better outcomes and value for money for the public – better insights, better outcomes.
Our vision – by 2026 we have enhanced the value we add, the difference we make and the offer to our people by a persistent focus on the five areas in this vision.
We will ensure that we are:
- Elevating our impact across government.
- Empowering our people to thrive, develop and deliver.
- Excelling in quality and professionalism.
- Inspired by innovation
- Sustained on firm foundations
The GIAA Strategy 2023-26 and Plan 2023-24 sets out the strategic changes we need to make to achieve our own ambitions and exceed our customers’ expectations. Our Plan 2023-24 set out our priorities for these changes for the next twelve months.
Publication Scheme
Please consider reviewing our publication scheme available at the following link before submitting a request for information to the GIAA.
The Publication Scheme lists the range of information proactively available to the public.
General enquiries
General enquiries about the GIAA and its activities can be made:
- by email to correspondence@giaa.gov.uk; or
- by post to
Correspondence Team,
Government Internal Audit Agency,
7th Floor,
10 Victoria Street,
Before contacting us, please consider the following:
Our role is to provide services to the Accounting Officers of Central Government Departments and their ALBs, rather than dealing directly with issues raised by individual members of the public. Please raise any concerns about a department’s processes or people directly to them using the appropriate contact details on their website.
We do not provide any services to the devolved bodies in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
We do not provide services to local authorities or councils.
GIAA aims to respond to all requests promptly, but you can expect a response no later than 20 working days after you have contacted us
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulation 2004, you can make a request for information you think that the GIAA might hold that is not otherwise available. To do this, you must describe the information you are looking for as clearly as possible along with your name and contact details and send this:
- by email to correspondence@giaa.gov.uk; or
- by post to
Correspondence Team,
Government Internal Audit Agency,
7th Floor,
10 Victoria Street,
Your request will be acknowledged, and information supplied within 20 working days – subject to exemptions which may prevent some information being released.
FOI compliance statistics
Data Subject Access Requests
The Data Protection Act 2018 provides individuals with certain rights in connection with personal data held about them. You can ask the GIAA for a copy of any personal data we hold about you and information on how it is being processed.
Please see our Data Subject Access Request Policy for further information on how we manage these requests. It outlines the key processes and responsibilities for the handling of DSARs across the organisation.
Data Subject Access Request Policy
Guidance on requesting personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018 can be viewed on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.
Subject access requests should be made in writing:
- by email to correspondence@giaa.gov.uk; or
- by post to
Correspondence Team,
Government Internal Audit Agency,
7th Floor,
10 Victoria Street,
Please see this page for further information about the GIAA’s Complaints procedure.
GIAA fraud, bribery and corruption
Please see our How to report GIAA fraud, bribery and corruption page for further information.
Corporate information
Access our information
Jobs and contracts
Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information.