Air Passenger Duty
Email HMRC if you're an aircraft operator and have an enquiry about Air Passenger Duty
Email the Occasional Operator Scheme team to get a reference number
HMRC will only email you with confidential information if you have given them your written agreement they can do so.
Call HMRC for help with Air Passenger Duty general enquiries including:
- registering for Air Passenger Duty
- information about the Occasional Operator Scheme
- returns
0300 200 3700
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Closed weekends and bank holidays.
Write to HMRC for help with general enquiries, including:
- registration, including changes to your registration
- the Occasional Operator Scheme and other special schemes
- returns
HM Revenue and Customs - Central Assurance Team (CAT)
Trinity Bridge House
2 Dearmans Place
M3 5BS
United Kingdom