Non-UK resident employees


Send a question about filling in a Self Assessment tax return if you're not resident in the UK

Send an email if you have a question about residence and are not resident in the UK

If HMRC needs to contact you about anything confidential they’ll reply by phone or post.


Call HMRC for tax advice if you’re a non-UK resident working for a multinational organisation and have been seconded or assigned to the UK for up to 3 years.

Contact Income Tax: general enquiries If you’re a UK national leaving the UK to work abroad.

0300 322 9424

Outside UK:
+44 300 322 9424

03000 533 121

Opening times:

Our phone line opening hours are:

Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5pm

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.

If your call is not urgent, you can find out information in:

Find out about call charges


Write to HMRC for tax advice if you’re a non-UK resident working for a multinational organisation and have been seconded or assigned to the UK for up to 3 years.

You do not need to include a street name or PO box when writing to this address.

Couriers should use a different address.

Charities, Savings and International 3
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom