Police and crime commissioners
This series brings together all documents relating to police and crime commissioners.
Resources about police and crime commissioners (PCCs), including information for newly elected PCCs and PCC candidates on nominations, voting and police and crime panels.
Background and strategy
Background information on the role of the police and crime commissioners, why they were introduced and how they operate.
Written ministerial statement on part 1 of the Police and Crime Commissioner Review
Written ministerial statement on part 2 of the Police and Crime Commissioner Review
Guidance for police and crime commissioners
Useful resources on government strategies and guidelines on external communications.
Guidance on police and crime panels
Updates to this page
Added links to written ministerial statements on the Police and Crime Commissioner Review, the Policing Protocol Order 2023, police, fire and crime panels guidance, and the APCC police and crime commissioner guidance. Removed out of date links.
Added a new section on part 2 of the Home Office review into the role of police and crime commissioners.
Protocols for engagement at national and local levels published.
2016 PCC candidate briefings added.
Police innovation fund bidding form and assessment criteria
First published.