
The Chief Inspector's stakeholder engagement forums.

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration chairs a number of stakeholder forums to advise on specific areas of borders and immigration and make recommendations within their areas of expertise. Membership is at the invitation of the Chief Inspector and each group shares the same terms of reference:

  • to inform and advise the Independent Chief Inspector regarding any issues of interest or concern to members or those they represent

  • to propose topics for inspection and advise on their relative importance and urgency

  • to assist the Independent Chief Inspector with the scoping and evidence collection for individual inspections

Refugee and Asylum Forum


The Refugee and Asylum Forum consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Maritime Stakeholder Forum


The Maritime Stakeholder Forum consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Aviation Stakeholder Forum


The Aviation Stakeholder Forum consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Adults at Risk Stakeholder Forum


The Adults at Risk Stakeholder Forum consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Migration Forum(s):

Education Forum

The Education Forum is a sub forum of the overarching Migration Forum and consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Strategic Migration Partnerships Forum

The Strategic Migration Partnerships Forum is a sub forum of the overarching Migration Forum and consists of representatives from (the following are external links):

Business Forum

The Business Forum is a sub forum of the overarching Migration Forum and consists of representatives from (the following are external links):