Our governance
The IRP is a committee of experts who provide impartial specialist advice about proposals to change NHS services in England to support ministerial decisions.
The Independent Reconfiguration Panel members are made up of senior clinicians, NHS managers and lay representatives, with wide-ranging skills, knowledge and expertise, including an understanding of the difficult trade-offs involved in complex service change and a commitment to integrity and the principles of public service.
Public appointments are made on merit by ministers following a fair and open competition process which is conducted in accordance with the Governance Code for Public Appointments.
- Professor Sir Norman Williams MS FRCS FMed Sci FRCP FRCP(Edin) FRCA FDS(Hon) FACS(Hon) FRCSI(Hon) FRCSEd(Hon) DScLeeds(Hon)
Clinical members
- Dr Rajesh Khanna
- Professor Anthony Schapira
- Dr Miles Wagstaff
- Dr Elaine Strachan-Hall
- Mark Cheetham
Managerial members
- Professor Simon Brake
- Ann Lloyd CBE
- Angela McNab
- David Stout
- Angela Young
Lay members
- Dr Suzy Walton
- Tansi Harper
- Graham Jagger
- Luke March
- Rohan Sivanandan
Declarations of interest
IRP members are asked to declare publicly any interests which may conflict with their role.
Corporate governance
Meeting minutes
The Panel aims to meet around six times per year and more frequently as required.