Complaints procedure

How you can complain about the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM). You cannot complain about an IRM panel review’s recommendation, or a fostering service provider’s or adoption agency’s decision.

Who can complain

Use this complaints procedure if you’re:

  • an applicant
  • a fostering service provider
  • an adoption agency

What you can complain about

You can only use this complaints procedure to complain about:

  • IRM’s level of service
  • the review panel’s behaviour
  • a caseworker’s behaviour

What we cannot help you with

You cannot complain to us about the:

  • fostering service provider or adoption agency’s final decision - the IRM’s role is to review the recommendation made by the fostering service provider or adoption agency, but the final decision rests with that body and it is not obliged to accept the IRM’s recommendation
  • IRM review panel’s recommendation or the grounds on which this is reached - this includes the minutes of the panel, unless there is a clear factual error such as the name or role of a person

We may stop responding to you if you:

  • keep on contacting us after we’ve closed your complaint
  • use abusive or threatening language or are unreasonable

How you can complain

  1. Contact us as soon as possible - most complaints can be resolved informally.

  2. If we cannot deal with your complaint informally, write to or email the IRM contract manager and tell us what your complaint is about and the outcome you’re seeking in order to resolve your complaint (stage 1 complaint).

  3. You’ll receive a written response from the contract manager, usually within 7 days.

  4. If you’re unhappy with the outcome, write back or email the contract manager, explaining why and how you’d like us to resolve your complaint.

  5. The service manager of the IRM will contact you and conduct an investigation into your complaint (stage 2 complaint).

  6. You’ll receive a written response letting you know the outcome, usually within 14 days (we’ll tell you if we think it will take longer).

  7. If you’re unhappy with the stage 2 outcome, you can complain to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Contact details

Independent Review Mechanism
PO Box 572


Call 0113 202 2080

Lines are open from 9:30am to 12:30pm, Monday to Friday. Where possible, consider contacting us by email.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower


Call 0345 015 4033

Lines are open from Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 5pm and on Friday from 8:30am to 12pm, except on bank holidays.

Complain about the contract manager

If you want to complain about the contract manager, send an email to for the attention of the service manager.

As complaints about the contract manager will be dealt with by the service manager, they will go direct to stage 2.