Publication scheme
Each government department has a publication scheme, which makes information available to the public about how it operates and how it spends its budget.
This is the Intellectual Property Office publication scheme, drawn up under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The aim of the Publication scheme is to define those classes of information that we routinely publish. The scheme is therefore relatively high level so for more individual documents please browse the website under the relevant subject areas.
The scheme list below sets out:
- classes of information we publish as a matter of course
- how this information will be published
- whether the information is available free of charge or on payment
Please note that the re-use of information published on the website is subject to Crown Copyright restrictions.
Linked organisations
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
Our governance; who we are and what we do
Contacts, queries, complaints and freedom of information
Our organisation’s structure and core departments
Organogram of staff roles and salaries
Relevant legislation
Index of UK intellectual property law and practice
Copyright Acts and related laws
Registered Designs Act and Rules
References to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJ)
Extension of UK intellectual property rights abroad
Patent Cooperation Treaty for private applicants
What we spend and how we spend it
IPO annual report and accounts
Transparency data– including payments
Selection of other corporate reports
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Disabled facilities for customers and visitors to the Intellectual Property Office
Publications: research and analysis since 2010
Intellectual Property Office Innovation and Growth Report 2023/24
How we make decisions
Government response to the Hargreaves Review
1 October 2014: Changes to design and patent law
Patents Journal special notices: 2024
Intellectual Property research
Trade marks policy issues and research
Designs policy issues and research
Orphan works process for returning right holders
Protecting your UK intellectual Property abroad
Public consultations;
Our policies and procedures
External policies and publications;
Energy use and environmental policy
IPO customer service standards
How to file documents with the IPO
Retention and disposal policy for patent and trade mark related records
Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) fees
Trade mark forms and fees (including International Registrations)
Company Names Tribunal (forms and fees)
Internal policies, pay and benefits;
Procurement procedures;
Lists and registers
IPSUM (online patent information and document inspection service)
The services we offer
Regulatory responsibilities;
Intellectual property and your work
Services for industry;
Intellectual property research: Patents
Intellectual property research: IP in general
Publications: research and analysis
Transparency and freedom of information releases
Trade marks: protect your brand
Patents: accelerated processing
Opinions: resolving patent disputes
Intellectual property mediation
Corporation tax: the Patent Box
Services for members of the public;
Intellectual Property Fast Facts 2015
Publications: research and analysis
Transparency and freedom of information releases
Trade marks: protect your brand
Patents: accelerated processing
Opinions: resolving patent disputes
Intellectual property mediation
Leaflets, booklets and newsletters:
UK-China Intellectual property newsletter