About us

We provide the foundation and supporting framework for successful operations by ensuring joint capabilities like medical services, training, intelligence, information systems and cyber operations, are developed and managed. We also provide the command and control for overseas defence operations.


We are responsible for:

  • preparing the Joint Forces for operations, and leading those operations
  • preparing the Joint Forces for the future with capabilities and thought leadership
  • education and training of the Joint Forces

Who we are

The Commander of Joint Forces Command is General Patrick Sanders CBE DSO ADC Gen. Our HQ is in Northwood and the command is represented at sites across the UK.

We are made up of the following organisations:

  • Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) commands joint and combined military operations and provides politically aware military advice to the MOD
  • Directorate of Special Forces conducts short notice high risk operations in support of UK interests and the safety and security of our people
  • Defence Intelligence is the main provider of strategic defence intelligence to MOD and the armed forces
  • Defence Medical Services, including the Surgeon General
  • Chief of Staff, including Permanent Joint Operating Bases Gibraltar, Cyprus, British Indian Ocean Territory and South Atlantic Islands
  • Joint Force Development, including the Defence Academy are responsible for the training and education of the Joint Forces, as well as the primary deployable command and control headquarters through Standing Joint Force HQ
  • Information Systems and Services (ISS) are responsible for delivering the Defence Information Strategy through the design, development and operation of IT across defence
  • Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (Log Ops) is responsible for logistics operations and advice across defence
  • jHub defence acts as a broker to help suppliers new to defence or government, taking time to understand what a business offers and how it may help the military customer

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