Our governance

Information on the MHCLG board and its sub-committees.

MHCLG board


The board’s role is to advise and support ministers on the operational implications and effectiveness of policy proposals, focusing on getting policy translated into results. It operates according to these recognised principles of good corporate governance in business:

  • leadership - communicate a clear vision for the department

  • effectiveness - challenge and scrutinise performance

  • accountability - promote the government’s goal of transparency through clear and fair reporting

  • sustainability - take a long-term view about what the department is trying to achieve


It advises on 5 main areas:

  • strategy - setting the vision and ensuring all activities, either directly or indirectly, contribute towards it

  • commercial sense - approving the distribution of responsibilities and ensuring sound financial management

  • talented people - ensuring the department has the capability to deliver and to plan to meet current and future needs

  • results focus - agreeing the operational business plan and monitoring and steering performance against the plan

  • management information - ensuring clear, consistent, comparable performance information is used to drive improvements

However, the board’s primary focus is on delivery performance.

Board members

The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, chairs the board.

Other members are:

Members of the Executive Team and other department officials can attend Board meetings to discuss relevant items when required.

Executive Team

The Executive Team is responsible for managing the daily business of the department.

Members of the Executive Team are:

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee is a sub-committee of our board. It is responsible for assessing and assuring the department’s overall risk management framework and for ensuring financial propriety.

The committee gives independent advice to the accounting officer on the adequacy of audit arrangements (internal and external) and on the assurances received on the existence and effectiveness of systems for accountability and control in the organisation.

The committee’s core membership is entirely non-executive to ensure independent advice. Susan Barratt is the external Committee member.

The Permanent Secretary and the Finance Director also attend meetings.

MHCLG Board and Non-Ministerial Board Register of Relevant Interests

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government Board and Non-Ministerial Board members are asked to declare any interests or related party interests that are relevant to the work of the department as well as all remunerated outside employment, work and appointments whether relevant or not. Mitigation plans are in place for any perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest. Ministers’ interests are recorded and published by the Cabinet Office.