Equality and diversity

We believe our people should reflect and understand the diverse society we serve.

Our objectives

Our 3 overarching equality, diversity and inclusion objectives are:

  • an inclusive Workplace: ‘A workplace that is inclusive and flexible, and where everyone is treated fairly and with respect’
  • a Diverse Workforce: ‘A workforce that is reflective of our diverse society at all grades’
  • Fair and Accessible Services: ‘Fair treatment, fair outcomes and equal access for all our service users’

What we’re doing

MOJ is working hard to achieve a more inclusive workplace where staff are encouraged to be themselves and deliver their best at work.

We are also determined to build a workforce that is more representative of the UK’s diverse communities and communities of interest.

We know that by achieving these two objectives, we will be best placed to support our third objective: the delivery of fair and accessible services to all those who use them, and to those who come into contact with the criminal justice system.

We protect all employees and members of the public accessing our services from discrimination in the workplace as set out in the Equality Act 2010.

But more broadly, we create an inclusive culture where all staff and our service users are treated with respect for who they are and what they do regardless of their:

  • age or perceived age
  • disability, long-term illness or health status
  • sex
  • gender, gender identity or expression
  • race (including colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origin)
  • religion or belief or non-belief
  • sexual orientation
  • marriage and civil partnership status
  • pregnancy and maternity status
  • social or educational background
  • or any other characteristic or attribute

Increasing diversity representation at all levels and equality of opportunity for everyone

We have a number programmes and initiatives to address under-representation and ensure equality of opportunity for everyone, including:

  • access to mentoring opportunities
  • keeping our recruitment and performance management processes under review for disproportionate outcomes and developing interventions where necessary
  • introducing positive action programmes to build skills and confidence, and realise the potential of under-represented employees such as those who identify as BAME, disabled or LGBTQI

We report back on outcomes related to the above in our annual Workforce Monitoring Report and in other publications such as the Gender Pay Gap Report

Improving inclusion and valuing difference

We aim to build an inclusive workplace that supports the wellbeing of our staff and values and champions difference as a strength, encouraging staff to be themselves and deliver their best at work. Our interventions include:

  • Building strong networks and communities of support and advocacy

We offer support and advice to employees and senior leadership through diversity staff networks for race, disability, gender, LGBTQI, faith, carers, job sharers, menopause, EU nationals, and parents. We are also actively involved in wider networks across the Civil Service. In addition to this we have communities of staff taking on advocacy and support roles such as Race Ambassadors, a forum for those experiencing domestic violence, Bullying and Harassment Advisors and Mental Health Allies. Our networks and communities work in partnership with the Department ro drive change and support workplace inclusion where needed by providing advice and guidance, hosting discussion forums and encouraging consultation and helping raise awareness.

  • Encouraging flexible working

We offer a range of job-sharing, part time and other working patterns. Our smarter working practices help us to become a more open, dynamic and modern organisation that fosters creativity, efficiency and collaboration. By balancing the freedom to choose with the responsibility to meet business needs, we want to encourage a culture focused on outputs over presence, with increased wellbeing for all our people.

  • Support visibility and inclusion through partnership working, events and role modelling

We encourage role models and allies across all our diverse groups, and a strong track record of delivery in driving inclusion through policy development, project delivery, events and awareness raising and working collaboratively with stakeholders both within and outside government. Our work in this area has been recognised in its benchmark placings in the Stonewall Top 100 (LGBTQI inclusion), Working Families Benchmark, the Social Mobility Foundation Employer Index and the Best Employers for Race.

  • Increase social mobility

We have a social mobility strategy and its key focus is outreach activity. At the heart of this is the MOJ Schools Programme, which encourages volunteers to work with pupils from deprived backgrounds to increase awareness, build confidence and improve the potential outcomes of young people as they transition from school to employment.

Building diversity and inclusion in all that we do

We have made delivering on diversity and equality everyone’s responsibility. We have training and polices in place to ensure our services are inclusive in respect of age, disability, sex, gender identity or expression, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, social background or any other characteristic or attribute.

The Executive Board has an overall champion and each board member leads on a diversity characteristic, supported by a team of Senior Civil Servant diversity champions across the organisation.

Everybody at MOJ is encouraged to understand and address the diverse needs of the communities we serve. We help people deliver roles fairly and inclusively, and in accordance with equality law, by offering learning and training.

We provide confidential support and assistance to deal with bullying, harassment and discrimination, including trained bullying and harassment advisers, access to an Employee Assistance Programme and comprehensive staff guidance.

Contact us

Diversity & Inclusion Team
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France