Publication scheme
This publication scheme sets out the types of information we usually publish and explains how to get hold of that information.
Information we publish
Who we are and what we do
We publish:
- information about our regulatory role
- information on our organisational structure
- information on the legislation relevant to our functions, including the National Health Service Act 2006 and Health and Social Care Act 2012
- information about our partner organisations
- information about our executive team and board members
- our location and contact details
What we spend and how we spend it
We publish financial information, including:
- financial statements, budgets and variance reports
- financial audit reports
- staff and board members’ allowances and expenses
- pay, grading and recruitment information
- procurement and tendering procedures
- lists of contracts awarded and their value
- internal financial regulations
What are our priorities and how are we doing
We publish corporate reports, including:
- strategic plans
- annual business plans
- annual reports
- internal and external performance reviews
- reports to Parliament
How we make decisions
We publish:
- public consultations
- minutes of senior level meetings
- reports and papers provided for consideration at senior level meetings
Policies and procedures
We publish policies such as:
- policies and procedures for the conduct of departmental business
- policies and procedures for the provision of services
- policies and procedures for the recruitment and employment of staff
- customer service policies
- records management and personal data policies
Lists and registers
We publish:
- public registers and registers held as public records
- asset registers and information asset register (please contact us for this information)
- registers of gifts and hospitality provided to board members and executive staff
- any register of interests kept in the department
The services we offer
We publish:
- information on our regulatory responsibilities
- information on services for public authorities, industry, other organisations and members of the public
- our leaflets, booklets and newsletters
- advice and guidance
- our media releases
Information Commissioner’s Office decision notices
How to get information
We usually publish information on this website. If you can’t find the information you need on this site, you can contact us at
Older information may be held on the National Archives website.