Publication scheme
The publication scheme describes the types of information we publish and explains how to access it.
The Freedom of Information Act requires us to have a publication scheme to tell members of the public how to find information we make available. The Environmental Information Regulations require us to make environmental information available.
Who we are and what we do
Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts:
- about us
- organisation structure
- location and contact details
- Natural England board membership
- working for us
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information about projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits:
- annual reports
- corporate plans
- chief executive and chief officers’ expenses
- chair and board member expenses
- detail of Natural England spend over £25,000 up to 2012
- combined detail of core Defra, its agencies and public bodies spend over £25,000
- staff salaries
- financial schedule of delegation
- non-financial schedule of delegation
- procurement and tendering process
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews:
How we make decisions
Decision-making processes and records of decisions:
Our policies and procedures
Protocols, policies and procedures for administering our work and responsibilities:
Lists and registers
Public lists and registers:
- geographic information datasets
- evidence register
- maps of the natural environment
- open access land and restrictions maps
- sites of special scientific interest
- local nature reserves
- outstanding land in England conditionally exempt from inheritance tax
- public register of environmental impact assessment screening decisions
- register of enforcement action taken
- Environmental Information Regulation and Freedom of Information requests