About us

NS&I (National Savings and Investments), a state-owned savings bank in the UK, offers Premium Bonds and a range of other savings and investments, including Direct Saver.

NS&I (National Savings and Investments) is one of the largest savings organisations in the UK, with over 26 million customers and more than £100 billion invested. We are best known for Premium Bonds, but also offer a range of other savings and investments to suit different people’s needs, including our Direct Saver and Children’s Bonds. All products offer 100% security, because NS&I is backed by HM Treasury.

NS&I is an Executive Agency of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

As an ongoing measure of our customer service, we had, since 1997, held Charter Mark accreditation – an independent award for service quality within the public sector. In 2009, Charter Mark was replaced by a new Customer Service Excellence Standard, which we achieved at the first assessment. We were successfully re-accredited in 2010. Our UK Contact Centres have also achieved accreditation and awards from the Customer Contact Association, for demonstrating high levels of service.

In January 2009, NS&I retained ISO14001 accreditation, first achieved in 2007 and a firm indicator of our commitment to delivering a sustainable business. NS&I has also achieved IIP (Investor in People) accreditation for the 10th year running.

In the Moneywise Customer Service Awards 2011, NS&I won the award for Most Trusted Cash ISA Provider.

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