Our governance
We are a non-departmental public body led by our Board and team of Executive Directors.
The NDA is a body corporate governed through the Energy Act 2004, the Government’s NDA Framework Document and Cabinet Office guidelines for Non- Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs).
The NDA is sponsored by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. UK Government Investments (UKGI) provides strategic oversight of the NDA’s corporate governance and corporate performance, working closely with and reporting directly to DESNZ senior officials and providing advice to DESNZ Ministers.
The formal arrangements between the NDA and DESNZ are set out in a framework document, supported by a memorandum of understanding between DESNZ and UKGI. The Scottish Government also has a governance role, working closely with DESNZ to ensure its expectations are met.
Certain scopes of work require approval from DESNZ. Where work falls outside the NDA’s delegated authority, then it must seek approval before commencing the work and demonstrate that it is affordable, aligned to the NDA mission and provides value for money.
The activities on our sites are closely regulated by:
- Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)
- The Environment Agency
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Natural Resources Wales
- Department for Transport (DfT)
Board and board members
The NDA Board is accountable to the Secretary of State for all aspects of the NDA’s activities and performance. It is responsible for:
- setting the strategic framework, direction for operations and risk appetite.
- ensuring high standards of corporate governance
- agreeing plans against which the NDA performance is measured
- maintaining an appropriate control framework that provides assurances on risk assessment and the application of appropriate controls.
The Secretary of State and, to the extent appropriate, Scottish Ministers, are responsible for approving the NDA’s Strategy and annual Business Plan.
The NDA Board comprises of eight Board members, including the Non-Executive Chair and two executive members (the Group Chief Executive Officer and the Group Chief Financial Officer):
- Peter Hill CBE (Chair)
- David Peattie (Group Chief Executive Officer)
- Kate Bowyer (Group Chief Financial Officer)
- Professor Francis Livens (Non-Executive Director)
- Janet Ashdown (Non-Executive Director)
- Alex Reeves (Non-Executive Director)
- Kathryn Cearns OBE, FCA, FCCA (Non-Executive Director)
- Harriet Kemp (Non-Executive Director)
Executive Leadership Team
The Board delegates the day-to-day management of the NDA to the executive management team. Members of the executive team include:
- David Peattie (Group Chief Executive officer)
- Alan Cumming (Group Chief Assurance and Performance Officer)
- Emma Ferguson-Gould (Group Chief Commercial and Business Development Officer)
- Matt Shaw (Group General Counsel and Company Secretary)
- Frank Rainford (Group Chief of Staff and Security Officer)
- Clive Nixon (Group Chief Nuclear Strategy Officer)
- David Vineall (Group Chief People Officer)
- Paul Vallance (Group Chief Corporate Affairs Officer)
- Kate Bowyer (Group Chief Financial Officer)
The Group Chief Executive Officer is responsible for leadership and operational management of the NDA and is accountable to the Board and Parliament for implementing the strategy and plans approved by the Board and DESNZ.
Programmes and projects across the group are controlled through operating companies’ own governance and assurance processes, overseen by their Boards.
Board meetings
The NDA Board officially meets 11 times each year.
We publish Board meeting minutes after they have been approved by the Board. Minutes from previous Board meetings are available on request: enquiries@nda.gov.uk
Where necessary, we edit (redact) minutes to withhold sensitive information in line with the exemptions allowed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Where information is withheld, either “minute redacted” appears in the text, or a black box.