Procurement at Nuclear Waste Services

Details of Nuclear Waste Services’ purchasing arrangements and information for those looking to become a supplier or contractor.

Nuclear Waste Services

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). We are tasked with managing the UK’s nuclear waste, safely and securely for generations to come.

NWS’ mission can only be achieved through strong partnership with the supply chain and here you will find information about how to search and apply for opportunities at NWS.

NWS Procurement Principles

NWS conducts its commercial activities in line with UK public procurement legislation and associated Procurement Policy Notes. NWS procures a variety of supplies, services and works, taking into consideration the value of the proposed contract, and whether a suitable commercial arrangement such as a pan-government framework or dynamic purchasing system already exists that NWS can utilise.

How to do business with us

Any supplier who meets the stated requirements and criteria of an opportunity is permitted to submit a tender proposal. NWS does not have a preferred supplier list.

There are several ways to search for contract opportunities with NWS:

1. Atamis

Procurement opportunities with a cumulative value of over £30,000 (including VAT) are sourced via our eSourcing system, Atamis. All tender submissions must be submitted using this system.

Atamis is a shared platform used across the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority group. To register, access and search for live opportunities at NWS and across the NDA group, please visit Atamis is NWS’ chosen eSourcing platform.

See our guidelines on how to draft an effective tender proposal.

2. Contracts Finder/Find a Tender

Procurement opportunities valued at £30,000 (including VAT) or higher are published on the Government’s Contracts Finder website. Procurements over the Government Procurement Agreement thresholds are also advertised on Find a Tender.

3. Business and Technical Services Marketplace

The Business and Technical Services (BATS) Marketplace was established in 2019, on behalf of the NDA group, to deliver professional services across 13 business categories. The following organisations have access to procure via the BATS Marketplace:

  • Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
  • National Nuclear Laboratory
  • Nuclear Restoration Services
  • Nuclear Transport Solutions
  • Nuclear Waste Services (lead organisation for the BATS Marketplace)
  • Sellafield Limited

BATS uses the Dynamic Purchasing System procedure, which offers a simple and efficient procurement route for both buyers and suppliers. For further information, please access the Atamis system and navigate to ‘View Live Opportunities’, searching for reference C5590.

4. Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Agreements

Where appropriate, NWS will procure goods and services through an available Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Agreement. CCS has over 100 different agreements covering a wide range of goods and services.

All NWS procurements which meet the required threshold will be published on our eSourcing platform.

Further information on how to supply goods and services to the public sector through CCS is available online.

Procurement opportunities

NWSProcurement Pipeline will allow you to view all potential procurement opportunities available in the short to medium term, noting that the information reflects the anticipated requirements whilst making no commitment that:

  • the requirements identified in its pipeline will be procured
  • the value of any contract will be as stated
  • the timing of any future procurement exercises will be as stated

The NWS Procurement Pipeline is published on a quarterly basis.

Guidelines for an effective tender

How you prepare and present your tender proposal can be a crucial factor in securing a contract. You should:

  • read the invitation to tender (ITT) properly – understand fully what is being asked of you
  • respond in the required format – follow the layout requested, keep to the order for documents if one is given, and ensure you submit via Atamis
  • give full answers – ensure you answer the question asked
  • plan ahead to ensure you meet the stated deadline

Transforming procurement at NWS

The Procurement Act 2023 is new legislation that will change the way the public sector buys goods and services. The changes are expected to commence on 24 February 2025. If you are a supplier you can prepare for the change by reading the available guidance on transforming public procurement from the Government Commercial Function.

If you are a registered supplier on Atamis you will have already received a Short Guide for Suppliers and a Fact Sheet on the Central Digital Platform or Find a Tender Service as you might know it. These documents have been prepared and released by Cabinet Office to provide an update on the procurement reform for suppliers and we hope you will find them useful in providing answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

If you have a question about the new procurement act, contact the Transforming Public Procurement helpdesk.

If you have any other questions, contact us.

Supply chain events

Upcoming supply chain events which NWS will be attending are:

SME action plan

In line with the NDA’s SME action plan, NWS aims to use local suppliers and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), wherever possible. NWS is currently re-drafting our SME action plan.

The NDA group’s target is that it will aim to spend £1 in every £3 of its annual supply chain spend with SMEs (either directly or indirectly). NWS’ SME spend data is measured annually and published by the NDA as a collective.


Supply Chain Charter

NWS is working with the NDA to align ourselves to the existing Supply Chain Charter for nuclear decommissioning sites.

The Charter encourages good working relations across the NDA group supply chain, with all parties signing up to a set of principles which encourage mutually beneficial and rewarding relationships.

Successful working partnerships

NWS’ priority is to develop a supply chain which works with us in the delivery of safe, sustainable nuclear waste solutions which provide value for money for the UK taxpayer throughout the commercial lifecycle.

We are also seeking to rationalise and diversify the size and scope of our supply chain, whilst developing improved working relationships and longer-term supply chain planning.

As part of this endeavour NWS are mapping and monitoring our supply chain on a continual basis using dedicated supply chain mapping applications. As part of contract management, suppliers may be asked to participate and provide supply chain mapping information.


Spend and expense data over £25,000

Spend data for NWS on payments of £25,000 and above made to suppliers and other recipients is published on a quarterly basis.

Historic spend data is recorded as Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) trading on behalf of Nuclear Waste Services and Radioactive Waste Management Ltd (RWM) trading on behalf of Nuclear Waste Services. Spend data after 1 April 2024 will be published as a single legal entity under Nuclear Waste Services Limited.

Payment performance report

NWS publishes a payment performance report on a quarterly basis.

The figures included in the report highlight NWS’ promptness in paying our suppliers and are expressed in numbers and values of payments made within 5 days of due date, within 30 days and payments made over 30 days late.

Get in touch

If you have any queries or wish to contact the NWS Commercial team, please email  

Nuclear Waste Services

Pelham House
Pelham Drive
CA20 1DB

Telephone 0300 369 0000