About us

The Office of Manpower Economics provides an independent secretariat to 8 Pay Review Bodies which make recommendations impacting 2.5 million workers – around 45% of public sector staff – and a pay bill of £100 billion.

We provide an an independent secretariat to:

Read an introduction to pay review bodies

Who we are

OME is staffed by around 30 civil servants organised into:

  • secretariat teams, which support each of the bodies by co-ordinating and managing research and consultancy projects
  • a cross-cutting Research and Analysis Group
  • a Central Support Unit

The OME senior management team includes:

  • David Fry (OME Director)
  • Abbie Lloyd (NHSPRB, DDRB, NCARRB and PRRB)
  • Robin Webb (STRB and SSRB)
  • Mike Batley (Chief Economist, AFPRB and PSPRB)


We are responsible for:

  • obtaining timely, high quality evidence and providing research, analysis and advice to inform review bodies’ decisions and to underpin their recommendations
  • enabling the review bodies to deliver their reports to the timescale and process required and in accordance with their individual terms of reference and remits - in particular through providing high quality secretariat services and through managing relationships with all parties to the process
  • developing OME capacity and capabilities, in particular through implementing the OME Competence Framework and Professional Skills for Government, and by meeting Investors in People, Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and Government Statistical Service (GSS) standards for managing and developing people
  • managing OME resources effectively with particular emphasis on flexible organisation and ways of working, project management and meeting any budgetary and/or headcount reductions agreed with DBT.

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