Complaints procedure

How to complain about the standard of service from the CIC Regulator, appeal against decisions and complain about a community interest company (CIC).

How to complain about the standard of service received by the CIC Office

The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies (CIC Regulator) aspires to provide its customers with a high quality, accessible and responsive service.

However, if you believe things have gone wrong, this guide outlines the procedure on how to send us your complaint or comments.

Complaints about the standard of service (MS Word Document, 212 KB)

How to appeal against a decision made by the Regulator

This guide outlines how you appeal against decisions made by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies.

How to appeal against a decision made by the Regulator (PDF, 406 KB, 9 pages)

How to complain about a CIC

This guide explains how to make a complaint about a community interest company (CIC).

Complaints about community interest companies (PDF, 208 KB, 15 pages)

It also specifies the stages and tests that must be applied before the Regulator of Community Interest Companies makes a decision as to whether to act on a complaint.

Community Interest Companies complaints pro-forma

If you want to make a complaint which meets the above criteria, please complete our Community Interest Companies complaints pro-Forma:

Community Interest Company complaints pro-forma

Request an accessible format.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Complaints and appeals

CIC Regulator
2nd Floor Companies House Crown Way
CF14 3UZ


Telephone 029 2150 7420