Publication scheme
A publication scheme to tell you where to find information we make available and whether there will be a charge for it.
Publication scheme
The ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’ requires us to have a publication scheme to tell members of the public where to find the information we make available and whether there will be a charge for it.
The Information Commissioner’s Office sets out a model publication scheme which gives details of the types of information covered.
The following information is published on our website unless indicated otherwise.
Who we are and what we do
This includes:
- about us
- our responsibilities
- organisational structure
- our governance
- information about the Ofqual board and executive
- contact Ofqual
- media enquiries
- working for Ofqual and job vacancies
What we spend and how we spend it
This includes:
- annual report and accounts
- information about the Ofqual board and executive pay
- prompt payment data
- spend data over £25k
- procurement at Ofqual
- contracts £10k and over
What our priorities are and how we are doing
This includes:
- our corporate plan
- our goals and objectives
- our annual reports and accounts
How we make decisions
This includes:
- our governance framework
- public consultations
- minutes of our board meetings
Our policies and procedures
This includes:
- complaints procedure
- personal information charter
- data protection policy
- equality and diversity information (available on request)
- information and records management policy (available on request)
Lists and registers
This includes:
- register of regulated qualifications and awarding organisations
- capital assets register
- information asset register (available on request)
- freedom of information disclosures (available on request)
- gifts and hospitality (available on request)
The services we offer
This includes:
- guidance on our regulatory work
- guidance for awarding organisations
- research at Ofqual
- publications
- newsletters and Ofqual blog
- programme of events
- videos about our work
We publish official statistical reports and data sets, covering regulated qualifications, to help you understand the qualifications and exams system.
The data is available for re-use under the ‘Re-Use of Public Sector Information regulations 2015’.
Requesting information
There is no charge for information available on our website. Information requested by email and supplied electronically will be supplied free of charge.
Charges may be made for photocopying, postage and packaging if information is requested in paper format. Charges will be notified and payable in advance.
Requests to Ofqual for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) should be made by email or in writing, to
Please be as specific as possible about the information you want.
Alternatively, you can send your request to:
2nd floor, 1 Friargate
Station Square
Contact form
Telephone 0300 303 3344
You can get in touch with us if you have a question about the qualifications or awarding bodies we regulate.
Our phone line is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
When you contact Ofqual, a third-party may handle your call. We have arrangements with them to ensure the security of your information. They cannot do anything with your information without our instructions. You can find out more in our Personal Information Charter.
We aim to respond to emails as quickly as possible. Sometimes it may take us longer than usual to respond, for example, when we are experiencing higher volumes of emails than normal.