Our governance
The Board is accountable to Parliament for the discharge of the Regulator of Social Housing's fundamental objectives as stated in the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008.
Board members
The members are appointed by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. They are:
- Bernadette Conroy - Chair
- Jo Boaden CBE
- Kalpesh Brahmbhatt
- Liz Butler
- Deborah Gregory
- Richard Hughes
- Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs
- Geoff Smyth
Chief Executive
The Chief Executive, Fiona MacGregor, is a member of the Board. She leads a team of staff responsible for the regulation of registered social housing providers, in line with the Board’s strategy for regulation.
While the Chair of the Board is accountable to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, as accounting officer the Chief Executive, who is a member of the Board, has a separate direct line of accountability to Parliament as well.
Board minutes, terms of reference and register of interests
The Board meets around 10 times a year. Board minutes are published on our website for transparency.
See Terms of reference for Board Terms of Reference and Standing Orders.
See Regulator of Social Housing’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee to read its terms of reference and standing orders. ARAC minutes are published on our website for transparency.
See Nominations and Remuneration Committee for information about its terms of reference and standing orders.
Code of conduct
See Code of conduct Board and Committee members for the Code of conduct and practice for Board Members, Committee and Sub-committee members.
Advisory panel
Following the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023, we have set up an advisory panel. This comprises members from across the social housing sector including tenants and landlords. The aim of the panel is to provide information and advice to the regulator on its functions.
Further information
See the Corporate governance and fees page for information about our regulation fees and other corporate frameworks.
Our standards for landlords details the standards we expect from all registered providers.