Procurement at RSH
Information on how the Regulator of Social Housing undertakes procurement activities in accordance with the public sector procurement regime.
Public procurement is the process by which public sector bodies acquire goods, services and works. There is a duty on public sector buyers to apply key principles of public procurement including the delivery of value for money, appropriate quality and services to meet business needs and appropriate governance.
As a public body, the Regulator of Social Housing is subject to the public sector procurement regime. Procedures are available to staff which set out how to undertake procurement activities for the regulator.
This policy sets out the key principles to apply when undertaking those activities to ensure that the regulator meets its stated objectives and its legal duties.
The regulator does not have a staffed procurement function and has adopted a self-service model where staff are required to undertake procurement activities in accordance with this policy and associated procedures. Further guidance is available on the Crown Commercial Service website.