Publication scheme

Information about the information we publish and how you can access it.

This publication scheme specifies the categories of information that the department and its agencies regularly publish, and explains how members of the public can access this information. To find a specific document, you can search the Rural Payments Agency’s (RPA) publications using the publication search. If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act. You can also search through previous responses to Freedom of Information requests, or amend this filtered search so it returns results for your department alone.

This information covers our organisational details, structures, locations and contacts. This includes:

What we spend and how we spend it

This is where we publish financial information about projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits. This includes:

What our priorities are and how we are doing

This category covers departmental strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews, including:

  • our strategic objectives
  • the Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
  • cross compliance
  • our energy aid payment scheme, which enables aid to be claimed for crops which are grown to be used for the production of energy (for heat, electricity or transport fuels) on land which has not been set- aside
  • England Rural Development Programme (ERDP) for which RPA is the paying agency
  • details of our Dairy Schemes including butter for manufacture, butter for non-profit-making organisations, casein production, concentrated butter for direct consumption, control of casein in cheese making, milk quotas, school milk subsidy and skimmed milk powder for animal feed
  • our external trade schemes include all commodity advice, bananas, beef and veal, cereals, community victual ling, rice, fish, oils and fats, hemp, fruit and vegetables, live plants and floriculture, milk and milk products
  • the Area Payments for Nuts Scheme (APNS), area payment claims for any orchard growing nuts that satisfies the scheme eligibility criteria
  • export refund rates
  • fish schemes including fish carry over aid, fish digressive rate financial compensation, fish flat rate aid, fish flat rate premium
  • fruit and vegetable schemes including aid for concentrated grape must, citrus processing aid, fruit and vegetables withdrawal scheme, fruit and vegetables operational programmes and recognition, grape juice aid
  • Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) and landbased schemes
  • intervention schemes including intervention beef, intervention butter, intervention skimmed milk powder, intervention cereals
  • livestock schemes including sheep annual premium, hill farm allowance, beef special premium scheme, suckler cow premium scheme, slaughter premium scheme, extensification payment scheme
  • private storage aid scheme, suitable for butter (unsalted or salted), cheese (grana padano, parmigiano reggiano, provolone, long keeping cheeses, pecorino romano, kefalotyri and kasseri), white sugar, olive oil, beef, pig meat, sheep meat or goat meat
  • promotion schemes including internal market information and promotions and third countries information and promotions
  • protein crop premium scheme
  • sugar, oils and starch schemes including aid for refining preferential raw cane sugar, sugar and isoglucose production levies and sugar carry forward, sugar used in the chemical industry, starch refund scheme, sugar restructuring
  • rural land register, holding digital maps of all registered land parcels

How we make decisions

This is where we publish details of our decision-making processes and records of our decisions. These include:

To access summaries of AMB meetings, email

Our policies and procedures

This category covers our protocols, policies and procedures for providing services, and responsibilities. These include:

Lists and Registers

This includes:

The services we offer

This includes: