About us
The Scientific Advisory Committee on the medical implications of less-lethal weapons (SACMILL) provides independent advice to UK government departments and organisations on the biophysical, biomechanical, pathological and clinical aspects of less-lethal weapon systems.
Who we are
SACMILL’s membership consists of an independent chairman and other independent members to support their activities. Independent members are mainly medical and academic experts from the public and private sectors, providing an appropriate balance of independent lay and medical expertise on the committee. There are also 3 ex-officio members from within government to provide expert advice and guidance.
SACMILL succeeded the Defence Scientific Advisory Council Sub-Commitee on the medical implications of less-lethal weapons (DOMILL) in 2012.
Our responsibilities
We are responsible for:
- issuing independent statements on the medical implications of the use of specific less-lethal weapon systems, when used in accordance with published operational guidance provided to users
- giving advice on the risk of injury from specific less-lethal weapon systems striking specific areas of the body, in a format that will assist both those responsible for developing policy and for operational users to help make tactical decisions
SACMILL provides advice only to UK government departments and organisations. It does not provide scientific or technical advice to external suppliers of equipment and it does not act as a provider or commissioner of original research.