Our governance

An introduction to the SIA board

The SIA Board

Role of the Board and its membership

The SIA is governed by a Board, which is made up of:

  • our non-executive directors, including our Chair
  • our executive directors, including our Chief Executive

The Board’s role is to ensure that the SIA’s statutory responsibilities are met. The executive directors are collectively responsible for the discharge of those responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. The non-executive directors provide both support and challenge to the executive directors.

The Board also sets the SIA’s strategic direction.

Current Board members are:

Minutes from our Board meetings

We publish the minutes from our Board meetings.

Declarations of interest

The declared interests of our Board members are listed in the following documents:

Board governance framework

The board governance framework is a series of documents that establish:

  • the various roles within the Board and the responsibilities they have
  • the Board’s terms of reference
  • when and how the Board can delegate its responsibilities
  • how the Board will conduct its business

We have published the documents that make up our board governance framework.

Board code of conduct

All of our Board members must follow the Cabinet Office Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies. The code sets out the standards expected from those who serve on the boards of UK public bodies.

The code forms part of our Board members’ terms and conditions of appointment or employment. Any breach of the code is viewed as a breach of those terms and conditions.

Integrity of the Board

Board members must comply with the SIA’s core integrity policies, including the following:

  • declaration of interests policy
  • hospitality policy
  • expenses policy
  • counter-fraud and anti-bribery policy