About us

Service Children’s Education (SCE) provided schools and educational support for the children of HM Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence (MOD) personnel and MOD-sponsored organisations stationed overseas. Its work is now carried out by the [Directorate of Children and Young People](https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/directorate-children-and-young-people), part of the Ministry of Defence.

We provide schools and educational support for the children of HM Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence (MOD) personnel and MOD-sponsored organisations stationed overseas.


We are responsible for:

  • educating around 10,000 children of services personnel in 38 schools on British Forces bases around the world
  • ensuring that the education is coherent and co-ordinated

Our schools follow the National Curriculum (England). We run national assessments and public examinations, and are inspected by the Office for Standards in Education (OfSTED). Teachers in Service Children’s Education schools have recognised UK qualifications and the majority are recruited in the UK.


To provide an effective and efficient education service, from Foundation Stage through to sixth form, for dependent children residing with MOD personnel serving outside the United Kingdom, and to enable those children to benefit from their residence abroad.


Excellence, Respect, Integrity and Commitment


SCE aims for excellence, both as a provider of educational services to the children and families that it serves and as an employer. It therefore aims to:

  • be the best
  • do the best for all pupils and students by seeking to ensure that all achieve their full potential in every aspect of school life whilst with SCE
  • do the best for our teaching, support and office staff in all locations by offering comprehensive, relevant and timely training opportunities for their own professional and career development to enrich their work with children or in support of the Agency
  • raise aspiration as well as achievement

Directorate for Children and Young People

The MOD has now established a Directorate for Children and Young People (DCYP). The Directorate is the focal point for all matters relating to children and young people who belong to the Armed Forces community, at home and overseas.

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts