About us

The Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (FPAG) is now called the [Committee on Fuel Poverty](/government/organisations/committee-on-fuel-poverty). FPAG advised on the effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing fuel poverty, and encouraged greater co-ordination across the organisations working to reduce fuel poverty. *[FPAG]: Fuel Poverty Advisory Group

What we do

We advise on the effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing fuel poverty, and encourage greater co-ordination across the organisations working to reduce fuel poverty.

Our responsibilities

Our role is to:

  • monitor and report on progress of the Government’s Fuel Poverty Strategy;
  • support and challenge the Government on delivery;
  • encourage and foster a partnership approach between Government and stakeholders;
  • work where appropriate with the Committee on Climate Change.

Review of FPAG

On 15 May 2012 the government announced the Triennial Review of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (FPAG), to seek the views of stakeholders on its role, functions, form, control and governance arrangements.

Triennial Reviews of Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) are part of the government’s commitment to ensuring accountability in public life.

Following the Review, the Government has launched reform of the group. This includes the appointment of the new Chair and moving to a small number of appointed, independent expert members.

Find out more about the review of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group

Membership (Updated 26 March 2015)

Tom Wright CBE has been appointed as the Chairman of FPAG for a period of three years.

Tom Wright was previously Chair of the British Gas Energy Trust, helping people in fuel poverty, and is currently Chief Executive of Age UK, the leading charity for older people with a long history as an active member of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group.

Following the review of FPAG, new members will be recruited.

Contact FPAG

You can email us via the email address listed below.

Fuel Poverty Advisory Group 3 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2AW Email fpag@decc.gsi.gov.uk

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts