
Details of the membership of the Treasure Valuation Committee.

The Treasure Valuation Committee is an advisory arm’s length body sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Its role is to advise the Secretary of State on the fair market value of treasure finds and to provide advice in circumstances where the award for a treasure find should be reduced or re-apportioned.

The committee is made up of independent experts on antiquities and includes a finders’ representative.

The membership at August 2023 is as follows:

  • Chair - Professor Roger Bland, OBE. Former Keeper of the Department of Britain, Europe and Prehistory at the British Museum. President of the British Numismatic Society and Vice-President of the Royal Numismatic Society.
  • Marian Campbell, Former Senior Curator of Metalwork at the Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Christopher Martin, Proprietor and Managing director of CJ Martin Coins and Ancient Art, Ltd., and St. James Ancient Art. Chairman of The British Numismatic Trade Association and Vice-Chair of The Antiquities Dealers Association.
  • Dr Megan Gooch, Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship and Digital Humanities Support, Oxford University. Expert in numismatics.
  • Harry Bain, Editor of The Searcher magazine; finders’ representative
  • Gail Boyle, Senior Curator at Bristol City Museum, Chair of the Society of Museum Archaeologists
  • Lucinda Orr, Barrister with Enyo Law, with extensive knowledge of antiquities collections and particular expertise in Mediaeval coins and jewellery
  • Leslie Webster, former Keeper of the Department of Prehistory and Europe at the British Museum; expert in Early Medieval antiquities.

Members of the committee are appointed by the Secretary of State, in line with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code for Public Appointments. The appointments process for the Treasure Valuation Committee is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.