Publication scheme

This publication scheme specifies the categories of information that UKEF regularly publishes and explains how to get that information.

You can find specific documents for this department using the publication search.

If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act.

Who we are and what we do

This information covers our organisational details, structures, locations and contacts. This includes:

What we spend and how we spend it

This is where we publish financial information about projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits. This includes:

What our priorities are and how we are doing

This information covers departmental strategies and plans, including:

How we make decisions

This is where we publish details of our decision-making processes and records of our decisions. These include:

Our policies and procedures

This information covers our protocols, policies and procedures for providing services, and responsibilities, including:

Lists and registers

This is where we publish details of the department’s public registers, asset registers and disclosure logs, including:

Requesting information

If you cannot find what you want through this scheme, or otherwise on GOV.UK, please make a request or contact us at

Be specific about the information you want, as this will help us to find it for you.

We will not normally charge a fee to supply copies of information or advice unless the request is for a priced publication or data set. However, we reserve the right to make a reasonable charge to cover transcription, photocopying, packaging and postage. In some cases, different fees apply for the supply of information for commercial use. We will inform you of any charges that might apply before processing your request.