Procurement at UKIFS

Information for those looking to become a supplier or contractor for the UK Industrial Fusion Solutions (UKIFS).

Routes to market

We use a number of methods to purchase goods and services. The approach taken will depend on the contract value, type of product/service, the complexity of the requirement and the duration of the agreement.

Direct orders – Low value off the shelf purchases (current threshold <£20,000)

Demonstration of value for money is required as well as 3 quotations provided. A simple purchase order with terms and conditions is issued for low value purchases. See UKIFS Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF, 235 KB, 7 pages) for more information.

Information for suppliers

Please see UKIFS - Information for Suppliers (MS Word Document, 64.5 KB) for general guidance on becoming a supplier to UKIFS.

Contact the procurement team

Contact the UKIFS procurement team at: