About us
The UK Resilience Academy will provide learning and development to people leading and working in government and across the wider resilience sector.
The UKRA will be core to making resilience a ‘whole of society’ endeavour, providing learning and leadership including those working in central government departments, devolved governments, Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums and Partnerships, the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Private Sector.
The aim of the UKRA will be to encourage greater societal resilience by enhancing training and skills for the resilience community. We will do this through creating a collaborative ecosystem, refreshing and building on our current learning and skills offer, and strengthening the professionalisation of resilience. The UKRA will be the hub at the centre of a network of training providers and will provide learning opportunities and events to improve the knowledge and skills of people who work together to prepare the UK for the risks it faces.
The UKRA will build ‘up and out’ of the current Emergency Planning College (EPC) supported by an extended partnership between the Cabinet Office and Serco, that will advance resilience learning and accessibility through off-site and online offerings until 2028. Using experience gained over 15 years, the UKRA will build a broader educational offer, mapped to refreshed National Occupational Standards for Resilience and Emergencies. The UKRA will also have a new Exercising Hub, to support the National Exercising Programme and encourage collaboration in exercising across organisations.
The risk landscape of the UK is constantly evolving, with more diverse risks than ever before. All emergencies that the UK may face have local impacts and every individual has a part to play in improving societal resilience. It is therefore crucial that people understand how they contribute to this, both as part of their role and as part of their community.
The UKRA will launch in April 2025. In recognition of the evolving risk landscape, the UKRA will continually adapt.
The physical home of the UKRA will remain at the Hawkhills, in North Yorkshire, the current base of the EPC. While this will be the heart of the UKRA, it will develop its digital and offsite presence, to work with partners both online and at other locations across the UK.