Director General Defence Safety Authority
Air Marshal Alan Gillespie CBE MA BSc RAF

Air Marshal Alan Gillespie was appointed as Director General (DG) Defence Safety Authority (DSA) on 29 November 2024.
His previous MOD roles include:
- Command of 903 Expeditionary Air Wing, Bastion Airfield, Afghanistan
- Group Captain ISTAR Capability Development, HQ 2 Group
- Command of RAF Waddington and ISTAR Force Commander
- UK Air Component Commander and Air Officer Commanding 83 Expeditionary Air Group
- Battlespace Management Force Commander HQ 1 Group
- Head of the HQ Air Transformation Programme
- Air Officer Commanding 2 Group
- Director Military Aviation Authority
Director General Defence Safety Authority
- is empowered, by the Secretary of State for Defence, to lead the DSA in its roles as the independent regulator, investigator and assurer for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (HS&EP) within defence
- provides independent assurance to the Secretary of State and the department that the Secretary of State’s policy on HS&EP in defence is being implemented in the conduct of defence activities
- prepares an annual assurance report including a summary of HS&EP compliance and risk for consideration by the Second Permanent Secretary, the Defence Board and the Secretary of State
- is the primary convening authority for HS&EP-related Service Inquiries (SI)
- ensures all HS&EP-related fatalities, serious injuries, significant environmental incidents and major capability loss are appropriately investigated to identify lessons, make recommendations, promote continuous improvement and minimise the risk of reoccurrence