Veterinary Director

Andrew Soldan


Andrew Soldan was appointed Veterinary Director, APHA in June 2018. He first joined the agency in February 1999.

His previous roles in the agency include:

  • Head of APHA Scientific; the agency’s commercial services and products
  • Head of Laboratory Testing and International Trade Programme Manager
  • Regional Laboratory Test Manager

Before this, Andrew worked as a Veterinary Investigation Officer in the former Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and as a private veterinary surgeon in Devon and York.

He also worked for the former Overseas Development Administration as a Veterinary Officer in Malawi for 5 years.

Veterinary Director

The Veterinary Director is responsible for the leadership and management of veterinary services delivery across the agency.

Andrew is in a job share with Irene Cristofaro.

Animal and Plant Health Agency