Carol Bristow

Carol Bristow was appointed HMRC Director General for Borders and Trade in April 2023, having been interim Director General since May 2022.
Carol had held a variety of leadership roles since joining the Inland Revenue and training as a Tax Inspector. This included programme management with the introduction of Self Assessment, international direct tax policy, operational management and Strategy and Planning.
Her previous role was Director of Individuals Policy Directorate. Prior to that she held other senior roles with HMRC, including Deputy Director of the Individual Customer Directorate, and then Central Policy. She was Director of Strategy, leading work on the 2010 Spending Review, Principal to the Chief Executive, Director of Central Policy and Head of HMRC’s Policy Profession before moving to Personal Tax, leading Customer, Product and Process.
Director General Borders and Trade
The Director General Borders and Trade has overall responsibility for leading and delivering the transformation of post EU Exit border and customs arrangements and facilitating trade with international partners.
The role also has departmental responsibility for delivery of customs revenue at the border, working closely with Border Force.