Charlotte Moar

Charlotte Moar joined the Student Loans Company in May 2019. She is a qualified accountant and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Charlotte held Director of Finance and Deputy Chief Executive posts in NHS Trusts and commissioners for over fifteen years, with executive responsibility for financial planning and management of budgets of £1bn plus, estates, facilities and capital projects, digital and information governance, planning and performance. More recently she has worked at NHS England, working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care around policy development on continuing health care and, subsequently, capital planning.
Charlotte now focuses on Non Executive Director and Trustee roles. She is currently a Non Executive Director of NHS Resolution where she chairs the Audit & Risk Committee. She is also a member of the Commission of the House of Lords and chairs the Audit & Risk Committee. She also sits as an Independent Member on the Audit and RIsk Committees of the Department for Education, National Community Lottery Fund, the Law Society and the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Charlotte also holds voluntary roles as a Council Member of the University of Bath, and a Trustee of Comic Relief.
Charlotte has an MA from the University of Cambridge, where she held an organ scholarship and has since studied with the Open University and the University of Bath. Throughout her career she has taken a particular interest in how public services can ensure that they are truly customer focused.
Non-Executive Director
The role of SLC’s Board is to set the strategic direction of the company within the policies and business framework set by ministers and oversee the effective and efficient discharge of its statutory responsibilities.