Christopher Pook


Since 2019, Chris has been Deputy Director in the Government Office for Science responsible for science capability, systems, science and innovation across government.

From 2015 to 2019, Chris was Regional Director for the Department for International Trade (DIT) and the FCO Prosperity Network in South East Asia. From 2011 to 2015, he led the Green Economy team in the Department of Business. He worked closely with energy intensive industries, nuclear and offshore wind sectors, before moving to the Digital Economy Unit where he was responsible for infrastructure and telecommunications policy.

Chris has worked for the UK government since 1993, holding a variety of posts often with a strong business, technology and innovation element, including postings to Washington DC and Tokyo. Chris spent two years on secondment to BG plc to support business development and holds a science degree from Bristol University.

Career history

  • 2015 – 2019 - Regional Director for Trade, Investment and Prosperity, South East Asia (Singapore)

  • 2014 – 2015 - Deputy Director, Infrastructure and Telecomms, Digital Economy Unit (London)

  • 2011 – 2014 - Deputy Director, Green Economy, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (London)

  • 2005 – 2011 - Counsellor for Science and Innovation, Japan (Tokyo)

  • 2004 – 2005 - Secretary, Technology Strategy Board, Department of Trade and Industry (London)

  • 2001 – 2004 - First Secretary, Science and Innovation, USA (Washington DC)

  • 1999 – 2001 - Nuclear Industries Directorate, Department of Trade and Industry (London)

  • 1997 – 1999 - BG plc, on secondment (Reading)

  • 1995 – 1997 - Private Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry (London)

  • 1993 – 1995 - Department of Trade and Industry, Science Fast Stream (London)