Danny Payne CMG


Danny Payne was the Chief Executive of FCDO Services from July 2015 to December 2021. Danny had been a member of FCDO Services’ executive and leadership team since 2008, as Security and Property Director from 2008 to 2015 before becoming CEO in July 2015.

Danny’s career includes extensive experience in the private sector, leading major global project and programme roles for Network Rail, Carillion, WS Atkins, Spie Enertrans, Parsons Brinkerhoff WCRM and Sir Robert McAlpine. Throughout this time Danny managed large-scale infrastructure, commercial and change projects across various sectors that integrate construction, manufacturing and security for private sector and government clients.

Danny is an Apprentice Ambassador for South-East region and takes great interest in leading the development and training programme for FCDO Services’ apprentices. He is also a fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and the Institute of Directors.

Previous roles in government

  • Chief Executive Officer, FCDO Services