Chief Secretary to the Treasury

Darren Jones MP


Darren Jones was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 5 July 2024. He was elected as the MP for Bristol North West in June 2017.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury

The Chief Secretary (CST) is responsible for public expenditure, including:

  • spending reviews and strategic planning
  • in-year spending control
  • public sector pay and pensions
  • Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) and welfare reform
  • efficiency and value for money in public service
  • procurement
  • capital investment
  • infrastructure spending
  • housing and planning
  • spending issues related to trade
  • transport policy, including HS2, Crossrail 2, Roads, Network Rail, Oxford/Cambridge corridor
  • Treasury interest in devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • women in the economy
  • skills, labour market policy and childcare policy, including tax free childcare
  • tax credits policy
  • housing and planning
  • legislative strategy
  • state pensions/ pensioner benefits
  • freeports – with support from EST on customs aspects .

More about this role

HM Treasury