David Sayer

David retired as a Vice Chair of KPMG LLP in September 2022 after 17 years, including 8 as Global Head of Banking and 5 as a member of the UK Board.
He is an advisor to a number of growing fintech companies.
David was a Vice Chairman of the China Britain Business Council until September 2022. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with what is now PWC in Newcastle upon Tyne and then joined Lloyds Bank on a senior executive development scheme.
He was a branch manager and commercial banking manager in the North East followed by a secondment as a director of the then 800 branch Estate Agency business. He led planning for the Commercial Banking Division, was Chief Manager for Scotland and senior manager of the largest branch in Birmingham.
He ran the sterling money transmission operations before rejoining PWC as a consulting partner in London in 1996 up to the sale of that business to IBM in 2002. After 3 years he joined KPMG in London.
As Global head of banking he worked in all the major export markets for the UK, including the USA, China, Europe, Australia, India, South Africa and Latin America.
Non-executive board member
Our non-executives are senior figures from outside the department who bring a diverse mix of expertise and skills from across the public and private sector.
They all:
- give guidance and advice to DBT leaders and ministers
- support and challenge management on the department’s strategic direction
- provide support in monitoring and reviewing progress