Professor Francis Livens

Professor Livens is a member of the Nuclear Innovation & Research Advisory Board advising Government, as well as the Office of Nuclear Regulation Independent Advisory Panel. He has also performed numerous other important advisory roles in the UK and internationally, as a recognised expert in radiochemistry in particular plutonium and nuclear materials.
As Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute, he is responsible for coordination of nuclear research and education across The University of Manchester. He is particularly focused on the linkages between Science & Engineering and Humanities, addressing the societal, cultural and organisational aspects of implementing nuclear technologies in modern societies. He is also Nuclear Theme Champion at the Henry Royce Institute.
Professor Livens is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Chemistry and Member of the Institute of Strategic Studies.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Board
Appointed Non-Executive Director: 1 December 2020
Reappointed: 1 December 2023 (term starts)
Term ends: 30 November 2026
Non-executive Director
Non-Executive Directors are members of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s Board.
The Board:
- monitors the NDA’s performance and directs its business effectively, including playing an active role in stakeholder relations
- receives frequent updates on the NDA’s financial position, forecasts and sensitivities
- ensures that a balanced assessment of performance is reported to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and regularly debates the main (corporate strategic) risks facing the NDA