Jackie Barson MBE


Jackie Barson MBE was High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea from 2010 to 2014.

Career with Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Nov 2009 - Feb 2010 UKTI (on loan) Prime Minister’s Global Investment Conference

Sept 2005 - Sept 2009 FCO: Deputy Director of Protocol and Assistant Marshal of the London Diplomatic Corps

May 2005 - Aug 2005 FCO: UK/India Education Initiative, South Asia Group

Jan 2005 - April 2005 Serious Organised Crime Agency (on secondment)

Oct 2004 - Dec 2004 Belmopan: Deputy Head of Mission

Feb 2004 - Sept 2004 FCO: Head of Public Diplomacy Challenge Fund and Head of London Press Service, Public Diplomacy Group

Nov 2002 - Feb 2004 FCO: Senior Assistant to Director General Corporate Affairs

April 2001 - Aug 2002 Secondment to Manchester Organising Committee for the 2002 Commonwealth Games, Deputy Head of Protocol

July 1999 - Oct 2000 Sydney: Olympic and Paralympic Attaché to Team GB for the Olympic Games

1994 - 1999 Ottawa: Second Secretary (Economic)

1992 - 1993 Copenhagen, Brussels and Athens: Presidency Liaison Officer

1991 - 1993 FCO: Desk Officer, Security Coordination Department

1989 - 1991 FCO: Visits Officer, Conference and Visits Group

1986 - 1989 UKMIS Geneva: Assistant Administrative Officer

1981 - 1986 Overseas postings to: Prague, Belgrade, Abu Dhabi and Bandar Seri Begawan

1979 - 1981 FCO: Desk Officer, Parliamentary Unit

1979 - Joined FCO