National Kinship Care Ambassador and Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel member

Jahnine Davis


Jahnine was appointed to the Child Safeguarding Review Panel November 2021 and became the National Kinship Care Ambassador in September 2024.

Jahnine is a care-experienced professional who started her career in children’s rights and participation and has over 20 years practice experience working in both charity and statutory sectors. In addition, she is the appointed safeguarding lead for the BBC’s independent review into Tim Westwood.

Notably, Jahnine is recognised as the UK’s foremost researcher and thought leader in adultification bias in child protection. A specialist in the safeguarding of Black children, Jahnine’s PhD research explores decision making processes in the safeguarding of Black children when harm is outside of the home.

National Kinship Care Ambassador

The National Kinship Care Ambassador advocates for children living in kinship care and their families across government. She also works alongside local authorities to help them improve their kinship practice and local policies, and ensure they are following national guidance.

As part of her role, the Ambassador:

  • acts as a critical friend to local authorities, offering advice, support and challenge by sharing best practice and empowering local authorities to improve priority practice areas
  • brings children’s voices and the experiences of under-represented groups to the fore to ensure local offers fully consider and address their needs
  • brings the voice of kinship care into government policymaking by working directly with ministers and across the department and government to ensure there remains a continued and committed approach to kinship care

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel member

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel