Jayne Scott

Jayne joined the Nuclear Restoration Services Ltd Board on 1 October 2024 as an Independent Non-Executive Director.
Jayne is a non-executive director with Scottish Government, chair of the Private Healthcare Information Network, board member and chair of the audit and risk assurance committee with the Coal Authority, an external member of the audit committee of the Information Commissioner’s Office, chair of Electricity North West Limited’s independent oversight group and chair of the joint audit panel for the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police Service.
Previously she was a board member of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority and chair of its audit and risk committee, a non-executive board member of the Marine Management Organisation and chair of its audit committee, a panel member for the Competition and Markets Authority, a non-executive director of Ofgem and chair of its audit committee, a non-executive director of the Professional Standards Authority, a member of the consumer challenge board for Heathrow Airport’s Price Review, a board member of Registers of Scotland and chair of its audit and risk committee and a member of the audit committee of the Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General.
Jayne is Chair of the Company’s Audit, Risk, Ethics and Assurance Committee and a member of the Nominations & Remuneration Committee