
Jeff Halliwell


Jeff’s executive experience is in chief executive officer roles with consumer-facing businesses such as Fox’s Biscuits/Northern Foods, First Milk and Bernard Matthews. His background is in international marketing and commercial roles with blue-chip businesses such as Mars and Colgate. He also ran a private equity backed tech small or medium-sized enterprise.

Jeff now has a varied chair and non-executive portfolio across private, public, and third sector organisations, particularly supporting organisations with a social purpose. Among other previous roles, he has been chair of Cafedirect plc and Airport Coordination Ltd, and a non-executive director of Working Links Ltd and Natures Menu pet food. He has served as a trustee of Shaw Trust and Homestart Leicester, and as a non-executive director in a number of NHS organisations. He is currently chair of watchdog Transport Focus and the customer engagement group in respect of Electricity North West. He is a non-executive director of Widgit, a small educational software company, and a governor of the University of Northampton.


The chair is responsible for leading the board as they challenge and develop the Mining Remediation Authority’s strategy.

Mining Remediation Authority