Jessica Glover

Jess Glover was appointed to the role of Director General, Growth and Productivity in HM Treasury in July 2023.
Jess was a Director General (DG) in the Cabinet Office from 2020-2023, first as DG Transition Taskforce (managing the plan for EU exit) and then as DG Planning and Analysis (including leading work on supply chain and labour market disruption after COVID). Prior to that she was a Director in Cabinet Office on EU exit and trade, and she spent her early career in the Department for International Development, the European Commission, the Cabinet Office, and the Foreign Office with a focus on issues relating to climate change, energy and trade.
Director General, Growth and Productivity
The Director General Growth and Productivity oversees the Treasury’s work on spending and policies to create sustainable growth across the UK. The Director General also serves as Chief Scientific Adviser for HM Treasury.