John Tuckett
John Tuckett joined the Royal Navy as an Executive Officer following University specialising in, and commanding, submarines during his service. In 1991, he joined the NHS as Chief Executive of the emerging Teesside Health Authority when he spent 9 years leading a number of fundamental changes in delivering health care services.
In 2001, John became Chief Executive of a Medical Agency within the Ministry of Defence where he then led a major change programme across all Defence Medical Services.
In 2004, he moved to the Home Office and led the programme merging the Prison and Probation services together, creating the National Offender Management Service.
In 2006, he joined the Office of Government Commerce as part of the Treasury, and spent 5 years leading reviews into many of the UK Government’s largest and most complex change programmes, advising on how delivery and outcomes could be improved.
In 2011, he joined the Church of England working for the Archbishop of York where he led the establishment of a new diocese in 2014.
John became Chief Executive of the Marine Management Organisation in January 2015.
On 8 July 2019, he became the Immigration Services Commissioner.
Immigration Services Commissioner
The Immigration Services Commissioner is the head of the Immigration Advice Authority and has statutory regulatory, complaint handling and law enforcement responsibilities in respect of the giving of immigration advice and services in the UK.