Commissioner B - Airports Commission

Professor Dame Julia King


Professor Dame Julia King DBE FREng is an engineer who has been Vice-Chancellor of Aston University since 2006. She:

  • is a member of the Committee on Climate Change
  • is a Non-Executive Director of Angel Trains and of the Green Investment Bank
  • is a member of the UK Airports Commission
  • sits on the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • is the UK’s Low Carbon Business Ambassador

Her previous appointments include:

  • senior roles at Rolls-Royce plc in aerospace and marine
  • Principal of the Engineering Faculty at Imperial College
  • Non-Executive Director of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills
  • leading the King Review on low carbon cars for the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2007 to 2008

Commissioner B - Airports Commission

Responsibilities are:

  • submitting a report to the government by the end of 2013 identifying and recommending options to the government for maintaining the UK’s status as an international hub for aviation
  • recommending to the government immediate actions to improve the use of existing runway capacity in the next 5 years – consistent with credible long-term options
  • submitting a final report to the government by summer 2015 assessing the environmental, economic and social costs and benefits of various solutions to increase airport capacity
  • considering operational, commercial and technical viability

Airports Commission