Karin Smyth MP

Karin Smyth was appointed Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care on 8 July 2024. She was elected as the MP for Bristol South in July 2024.
Minister of State for Health (Secondary Care)
The Minister of State for Health (Secondary Care) is responsible for:
- system oversight:
- system reconfigurations and improvement
- commissioning
- elective care:
- elective performance and waiting list recovery
- cancer care
- NHS workforce:
- recruitment and retention
- education and training
- leadership
- pay and pensions
- industrial relations
- professional regulation
- NHS data and technology:
- cyber security
- Federated Data Platform
- NHS capital, land and estates:
- New Hospital Programme
- hospital upgrades
- reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)
- energy resilience and net zero
- car parking
- medicines:
- medicines regulation, pricing and supply
- prescribing
supply threats and disruption
- NHS finance:
- procurement
- cost recovery and immigration health surcharge
- counter fraud
- urgent and emergency care:
- accident and emergency services
- NHS 111 services
- hospital at home services
- ambulances
- winter planning
- sponsorship of:
- NHS England
- NHS Counter Fraud Authority
- NHS Property Services
- NHS Business Services Authority
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence