Kate Bowyer

Kate Bowyer joined the NDA as group Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in May 2023 and plays a key role on our Group Leadership Team and on our Board.
Kate brings a wealth of financial and leadership expertise to the role, joining the NDA from Muse Places, part of the Morgan Sindall group. In her role as Managing Director Kate led the delivery of regeneration projects with private and public sector partners, bringing sustainable and transformational change to towns and cities across the UK. Prior to this, Kate was Chief Financial Officer of The Crown Estate, a £14 billion land and property owner and manager.
Group Chief Finance Officer
The Group Chief Finance Officer at the NDA is an Executive Board member with the Group CEO, and is responsible for leadership and development of the group-wide finance function, financial stakeholder management with Government and externally, strategic funding and revenue, treasury and financial planning, financial reporting and performance management, financial controls and delegations, and management of financial risks.
The Group CFO is also responsible for group-wide insurance, land and property.