Secretary of State for Transport

The Rt Hon Louise Haigh MP


Louise Haigh was appointed Secretary of State for Transport on 5 July 2024, the youngest female Cabinet Minister to ever be appointed.  

She was elected as the MP for Sheffield Heeley in May 2015.  

Since being elected as an MP, Louise has held a number of shadow ministerial roles, including Shadow Secretary of State for Transport from 2021 to 2024.  

Louise served as a Special Constable in the Met Police between 2009 and 2011 and worked for Aviva as a public policy manager from 2012 to 2015. 

Louise studied politics at Nottingham University and law at Birkbeck, University of London.

Secretary of State for Transport

The Secretary of State has overall responsibility for all Department for Transport business, including: 

  • overarching responsibility for the departmental portfolio and oversight of the ministerial team 
  • delivering the transport priorities of the government: making transport cheaper, greener, and more reliable 
  • ensuring the transport network is safe and accessible 
  • corporate functions such as oversight of departmental finance and public appointments

More about this role

Department for Transport