Martin Skeats

Martin joined DBS having previously spent 15 years at the Youth Justice Board (YJB). As a member of the Strategic Leadership Team he joined with the Board and its committees in leading the YJB.
His operational roles included directing the YJB’s commissioning of the secure estate for children and leading as director for programme delivery. He held corporate roles as corporate director and finance director.
He was active across the Ministry of Justice’s work with its Arm’s Length Bodies, helping to form and then chair a meeting of all the ALB Corporate Service Directors, providing a strategic interface with the Ministry of Justice.
Board Secretary
The DBS board secretary is the principal adviser to the DBS board and the DBS Strategic Leadership Team on all aspects of corporate governance, and supports the chairman to ensure that the DBS board is compliant and operates effectively.
The board secretary facilitates and supports the functioning of the board’s corporate governance. Moreover, they act independently as counsel to the board, providing a confidential source of advice on all aspects of board and executive governance.